Teacher’s Profile

Teaching Staff Profile, 2024







Kesang Tshering

  1. Designation: Principal( P1 A)
  2. EID:2008150
  3. Qualification: M.Ed
  4. Type of Service: Regular
  5. Subject: Math/Physics
  6. Contac #:17732346
  7. Email: Ktsheringprincipal@education.gov.bt
  8. Permanent Address : Chidungkhar, Samdrup Jongkhar


Sonam Wangdi

1.       Designation: Teacher II (P4A)/Officiating VP

2.       EID:20160306820

3.       Qualification: Masters (MA English)

4.       Type of Service: Regular

5.       Subject: English

6.       Contact #:17742815

7.       Email: sonamwangde@education.gov.bt

8.       Permanent Address : Zobel, Zobel, P/gatshel


Sangay Tshering

  1. Designation: Teacher (P1A)
  2. EID:9112008
  3. Qualification: B.Ed
  4. Type of Service: Regular
  5. Subject: Dzongkha
  6. Contact #:17639439
  7. Email: sangaythseringg@education.gov.bt
  8. Permanent Address :Chema, Radhi, Trashigang


Sherab Dorji

  1. Designation: Teacher (P1A)
  2. EID:9707109
  3. Qualification: MA
  4. Type of Service: Regular
  5. Subject: Dzongkha
  6. Contact #:17701364
  7. Email: sherubdorji@education.gov.bt
  8. Permanent Address :Bikhar, Samkhar, Trashigang


Tshering Wangdi

1.       Designation: Teacher (P2A)

2.       EID:9201409

3.       Qualification: B.Ed

4.       Type of Service: Contract

5.       Subject: Dzongkha

6.       Contact #:17851842

7.       Email: jordentd11@education.gov.bt

8.       Permanent Address : Kurchilu,Lumang, Trashigang


Sonam Tobgay

1.       Designation: Principal Counsellor (P1A)

2.       EID:200701522

3.       Qualification: MACCP

4.       Type of Service: Regular

5.       Subject: Career Guidance & Counselling

6.       Contact #:17818882

7.       Email: sonamtobgayy@education.gov.bt

8.       Permanent Address :Tholong, Phongmey, Trashigang


Nado Rinchen

1.       Designation: Teacher (P2A)

2.       EID:200901287

3.       Qualification: PGDE

4.       Type of Service: Regular

5.       Subject: English

6.       Contact #:17596731

7.       Email: nadorinchen@education.gov.bt

8.       Permanent Address :Nangkor,Shumar,P/Gatshel


Tashi Dorji

1.       Designation: Teacher (P2A)

2.       EID: 200901603

3.       Qualification: M.Ed

4.       Type of Service: Regular

5.       Subject: Geography

6.       Contact #:77658100

7.       Email: tshechey1984@education.gov.bt

8.       Permanent Address : Merda,Kangpara,Trashigang


Sanga Jamtsho

1.       Designation: Teacher (P3A)

2.       EID:20140104088

3.       Qualification: PGDE

4.       Type of Service: Regular

5.       Subject: economics

6.       Contact #:17715595

7.       Email: sangajamtsho488@education.gov.bt

8.       Permanent Address :Khudumpang,Radhi, Trashigang


Tandin Wangchuk

1.       Designation: Teacher (P5A)

2.       EID:202106918924

3.       Qualification: B.Ed

4.       Type of Service: Regular

5.       Subject: Dzongkha

6.       Contact #:17610541

7.       Email: tandinwangchuk.2021@education.gov.bt

8.       Permanent Address :Norbuthang,Phuntenchhu, Tsirang


Mon Bahadur Mongar

1.       Designation: Teacher (P5B)

2.       EID:202404927187

3.       Qualification: B.Ed

4.       Type of Service: NCT

5.       Subject: ICT

6.       Contact #:17637769

7.       Email: mbmongar24@education.gov.bt

8.       Permanent Address : Namshigang,Kana,Dagana




1.       Designation: Teacher (P5B)

2.       EID:202404927189

3.       Qualification: Degree

4.       Type of Service: NCT

5.       Subject: Science

6.       Contact #:17913534

7.       Email: sangaypelbar@education.gov.bt

8.       Permanent Address :Panglen, Thangrong, Mongar



1.       Designation: Teacher (P2A)

2.       EID:200801341

3.       Qualification: MA ( English)

4.       Type of Service: Regular

5.       Subject: English

6.       Contact #:17918230

7.       Email: peldon@education.gov.bt

8.       Permanent Address :Sawang, Gomdar, S/Jongkhar


Nidup Pem

1.       Designation: Teacher (P2A)

2.       EID:200901712

3.       Qualification: PGDE

4.       Type of Service: Regular

5.       Subject: History

6.       Contact #:17713243

7.       Email: n.pem@education.gov.bt

8.       Permanent Address : Thimthrom,Thimthrom, Thimphu


Dechen Gyelmo

1.       Designation: Teacher (P2A)

2.       EID:200901306

3.       Qualification: B.Ed (Secondary)

4.       Type of Service: Regular

5.       Subject: Math/IT

6.       Contact #:17386561

7.       Email: dechengyelmo@education.gov.bt

8.       Permanent Address : Morong, Orong, S/Jongkhar



1.       Designation: Teacher ( P3A)

2.       EID:20130201541

3.       Qualification: B.Ed

4.       Type of Service: Regular

5.       Subject: History

6.       Contact #:17510373

7.       Email: lhadeen@education.gov.bt

8.       Permanent Address :Nimgang, Darla,Chhukha


Tashi Choden

  1. Designation: Teacher (P4A)
  2. EID:20160306822
  3. Qualification: B.Ed
  4. Type of Service: Regular
  5. Subject: Mathematics
  6. Contact #:17462142
  7. Email: tashichoden@education.gov.bt
  8. Permanent Address :Murung, Kengkhar, Mongar


Sonam Dema

1.       Designation: Teacher ( P4A)

2.       EID:2017038888

3.       Qualification: B. Ed

4.       Type of Service: Regular

5.       Subject: Science

6.       Contact #:77345720

7.       Email:sonamdeema@education.gov.bt

8.       Permanent Address : Bardo, Tong,Zhemgang


Sherab Dema

1.       Designation: Teacher(P5A)

2.       EID:202106918788

3.       Qualification: B.Ed

4.       Type of Service: Regular

5.       Subject: Chemistry

6.       Contact #:17872773

7.       Email: sherabdema2021@education.gov.bt

8.       Permanent Address :Bikhar,Samkhar,Trashigang


Rohini Neopaney

1.       Designation: Teacher (P5A)

2.       EID:202201920749

3.       Qualification: B.Ed

4.       Type of Service: Regular

5.       Subject: Physics

6.       Contact #:17751846

7.       Email: rohinineopaney2022@education.gov.bt

8.       Permanent Address :Zamlingzor,Mendrelgang,Tsirang


Khandu Wangmo

1.       Designation: Teacher (P5A)

2.       EID:202107919502

3.       Qualification: PDGE

4.       Type of Service: Regular

5.       Subject: English

6.       Contact #:17674925

7.       Email:khanduwangmo2021@education.gov.bt

8.       Permanent Address : Ngangla Tong, Ngangla, Zhemgang



1.       Designation: Teacher (P5A)

2.       EID:202301922699

3.       Qualification: B.Ed

4.       Type of Service: Regular

5.       Subject: Science

6.       Contact #:17912617

7.       Email: jamyang2023@education.gov.bt

8.       Permanent Address :Champheri, Nanong,P/Gatshel


Dendup Dema

1.       Designation: Teacher (P5A)

2.       EID:202205921294

3.       Qualification: B.Ed

4.       Type of Service: Regular

5.       Subject: Geography

6.       Contact #:17342600

7.       Email: dendupdemaz@education.gov.bt

8.       Permanent Address :Kherithan/Khorreaney, Dunglagang,Tsirang


Dechen Lhamo

1.       Designation: Teacher ( P5B)

2.       EID:202403926900

3.       Qualification: Degree

4.       Type of Service: NCT

5.       Subject: Mathematics

6.       Contact #:17481563

7.       Email: dechenlhamo2023@education.gov.bt

8.       Permanent Address : Solongmee,Goshing, Zhemgang


Pema Choden

1.Designation: Teacher (P5B)


3.Qualification: B.Ed

4.Type of Service: NCT

5.Subject: Mathemathics

6.Contact #:17292080

7.Email: pemachoden@education.gov.bt

8.Permanent Address :Gerwa,Dewathang, S/Jongkhar